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Neighbourhood Plan
The East Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan was accepted by the community on 8 September 2016.
The result of the referendum was:
Yes 1100 votes, No 61 votes. Turn out of 51%, the highest for a Neighbourhood Plan referendum at the time.
Babergh District Council 'made' the plan on 20 September 2016.
You can find our Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents here.
Revising Our Plan
Recognising the rapidly changing environment, the Parish Council has voted to re-form the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, to
review and update our plan.
Please watch this page for information and come along to the meetings to share your views.
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Our village, our future
Neighbourhood Plan Committee Meetings
Why not come along and find out what is happening and have your say.
Meetings commence at 7.15pm with refreshments and networking and to meet the chairs and group members. Proceedings start at 7.45pm.