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Membership of EBCC

EBCC is run by a committee elected by its members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), held in June.

Over 350 residents are already members of EBCC.

Any resident of the village can join EBCC for the annual cost of £5 per person.

Anybody, members and non-members, can attend EBCC events, however members will get discounts or additional items on some events.


The following list of being a member include:

  • a quarterly prize draw with prizes of £100, £50, £30, £20 & £10
  • hire a range of event equipment mostly at minimal charge, eg large and small gazebos, tables & chairs, plates, cutlery, glasses, etc
  • take part in the AGM and vote or stand for election as a committee member

If you’d like to become a member of EBCC, contact the Membership Secretary Sandra Toyne on Colchester 298445 or use the contact form

Assistance & Grants

EBCC considers providing assistance and sometimes grants to local village organisations who are benefitting the life of the village.

Application for this should be made via the Secretary Sandra Toyne on the contact form which will be presented to the committee at the next meeting.

General Data Protection Regulation Statement

The Community Council holds names and addresses of members for the purposes of collecting subscriptions, events, equipment hire and paying out of the quarterly draw. These details are not on any computer. If any of our members wish to have these details deleted from the list, please advise the Membership Secretary Mrs. S Toyne

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